Qui sommes nous

Le promoteur

In Cameroon, Fobissie Kamga initiated an organic farming cooperative, GIC SONDASON, whose members comprise mainly farmers from villages. GIC SONDASON operates in rural villages where coffee, cocoa, ginger, fruits and vegetable are grown. These crops are the main source of income for most farmers. Other crops like bananas and yams are produced for home consumption and for the local market. GIC SONDASON currently has over 1300 members, 500 of which are organically certified by EU organic program and Fair trade program.

The GIC SONDASON Coffee Cooperative is mainly concerned with social, economic and environmental entrepreneurship. The goal is not to provide aid but rather to provide an infrastructure that supports the production and marketing of organic crops. To achieve this, the Cooperative offers the farmers a 2-year fixed minimum Agenda 21 price guarantee for their produce. This price is 40% higher than that offered in the market. Today, the farmers get a fair price for their produce and can rely on their farming activities as a source of income. This has enabled them to provide for their families and by practicing organic farming, they have improved their health and restored the integrity of the earth’s ecosystem.